Why Face-To-Face Communication is Critical for Cannabis Brands

face-to-face communication | cannabis expo for vendors

When you are establishing yourself in the cannabis industry, you may wonder the best way to communicate with customers and start to gain a steady and faithful following. You see many industry leaders on YouTube or Facebook preaching the importance of their strains and cannabis in general and you want to get to that level. Studies have shown that face-to-face communication with customers is actually the best way to initially gain – and retain – a faithful following. In addition to attending a cannabis expo for vendors, we have listed a few of the best reasons to practice your face-to-face communication game and why it’s so important for your growing cannabis brand.

Creates Trust

Face-to-face communication is the time-tested best way to establish trust. If you were to make a large purchase or were unsure about a new product, you might start by reading reviews online but then you are going to want to talk to an expert about any questions you might have around that potential purchase. Communication with customers in person is essential to creating that know/like/trust factor that will make loyal customers for years to come.

Creates Credibility

Similarly, the credibility factor of a face-to-face conversation is much higher than any other form of communication with customers. Humans are very perceptive as to whether someone is telling the truth, especially in a face-to-face setting. It is much harder to mask body language, voice inflections and eye movements in close contact communication sessions than it is online. If you are chatting with someone online, you have no idea who they are or what they are really saying! Your customers know that and that’s why it’s important to create opportunity for face-to-face interaction.

Verifies Identity

If you have no personal contact with your customer, you won’t know who they are. In the cannabis industry, this is all the more important as it can be hard to know whether you are talking to a legitimate cannabis grower or some 13-year-old down the street. As much as possible, push for face-to-face communication so that you (and you customers and vendors) know who you are talking to.

Eliminates Opportunity for Misunderstandings

Communication with customers in person is critical to ensure there are not any misunderstandings. Can you remember a time when you read a text and thought it meant one thing, when in reality, it meant something totally different? Now imagine if that were to happen with a new client and something terrible happened as a result of the miscommunication?

It happens every day, but that doesn’t have to be the case for you with your customers. Face-to-face communication is the best way to share all of the information you need to and verify the customer completely understands everything you have said. There are statistics that show customers retain 10% of communication that is spoken, 20% of communication that is heard, and the remaining 70% of what is seen. If that is not a raving review for face-to-face communication with customers, then we do not know what is!

Increases Sales

Face-to-face communication is incredibly helpful when it comes to closing the sale. Showing and demonstrating the benefits and usages of your cannabis product in person, will ensure your product will fly off the shelf. Provide opportunity for demonstrations to not only help your customers understand the best strain for their intended use, but promote yourself as an industry leader and teacher.

Receive Instant Feedback

A little-known advantage of having face-to-face communication with customers is to ask for live feedback. Putting the customer in charge of explaining to you how you can better serve them, provides a sense of importance and camaraderie to the customer. This is imperative while building your cannabis brand and building your know/like/trust factor. You do not necessarily need to implement their suggestions (if they even have any!) but it will give the potential customer a feeling that their opinion matters – and show them that you are interested in hearing it!

Cannabis Expo for Vendors

People want to buy from those that they have established a relationship with. While some will argue that this can be achieved online, the most concrete relationships are created in person. Want to learn more and meet more of your potential customers and industry leaders? Join us for a CannaCon in your area. This cannabis expo for vendors and attendees gives you the opportunity to do just that!

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