Med vs Rec: Whose side are you on?

med vs rec | medical vs recreational | medical marijuana

Med vs Rec Cannabis: Whose side are you on? Anyone involved in the cannabis community has been asked this question. This question has turned friends against each other, ripped businesses apart, destroyed reputations, and divided a community. In states like Washington where there once was a booming medical marketplace, with farmers markets, ample patient co-ops…

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What It Really Takes to Grow A Brand in the Cannabis Industry

cannabis brand

We’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with calls. Cannabis branding, you know it’s a “real” thing when Adweek starts writing about it. Snarky sarcasm aside, there is something to be said when one of the most influential publishing platforms in advertising starts posting articles on best practices to brand your bud. And while this…

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Accelerating Cannabis Root Growth With Beneficial Microbes

cannabis root growth

Here’s how you can stimulate expansive root growth in your cannabis plants — which means bigger crops — by utilizing the power of beneficial microbes. As cannabis growers, it’s easy to get so focused on our crop’s vegetation and flower growth that we lose sight of what we can’t see: Our plants’ roots. But the…

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How Social Media Marketing Can Help Your Cannabis Business

organic social media

At Paris Marketing, we think cannabis is pretty dope (insert picture of a pot leaf with a smiley face and sunglasses, here.), but more specifically, we think successfully marketed canna-businesses are. So, let’s talk about how you can market your cannabis business on social media. Sponsored Social Media Updates are a No-No: For other industries,…

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Is Organic Farming Sustainable?


As more people express concerns about GMO foods, many are turning to organic fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants. The organic food market continues to rise in popularity among Americans of all backgrounds. As such, many farmers are transitioning to organic farming. While many American farms are still controlled by corporations or semi-government organizations, there is…

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A Tipping Point for Cannabis in the United States?

cannacon south cannabis expo | south cannacon trade show

Early last Wednesday morning, my phone lit up with calls from Oklahoma attorneys, accountants, and other interested parties who wanted to speak me about the results of Tuesday’s Oklahoma primary elections. A very liberal medical marijuana bill had passed in the state primary election. Not only was this the first cannabis referendum to be included…

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Four Ways a Dry Trim Machine will Help You Out

dry trim machine

The debate over machine trimming your weed versus hand trimming has been around since machine trimmers came on the market. Hand trimmers have long argued that machines will destroy the trichomes and terpenes. With some of the machines on the market, that’s true. However, if you carefully select your dry trim machine, you can increase…

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