Your Cannabis Business Strategies for Success

The cannabis industry has felt the spotlight in recent years and the conversation around this plant during the COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified. The telling surge in sales along with cities like San Francisco and New York declaring cannabis businesses as essential has further established and solidified the validity of this burgeoning industry. As there are layoffs across most industries, many cannabis businesses around the country are hiring additional workers in response to the robust demand for marijuana products. While this may appear as good news, the uncertainty around the times we are in now has halted many business operations the world over and this industry is no different. Here are some ways you can facilitate a successful cannabis business during COVID-19 and beyond.
Your Cannabis Business Strategies for Success
While the following isn’t an exhaustive list, it’s a great place to start when it comes to retaining a successful cannabis business during COVID-19.
Strategy #1: Don’t be hazy with your customers
In the unfortunate circumstances we find ourselves in uncertainty still looms over us. Now maybe more than ever is the time to reach out to your audience, your loyal customers and future clients to reassure them that you are in the business of healing. Reassurance and honesty help your audience understand you better. If you’re going through harder times than usual, be candid – your customers are empathetic to what you’re going through. If you want to celebrate the big wins but it feels hard to share the news, don’t worry because your audience is eager to hear it!
Strategy #2: There’s nothing like Social Media
If you have been in this industry for even a short amount of time, you know exactly how difficult it can be to market your business as there is much red tape surrounding the terminologies that go with our industry. By frequently uploading videos on Facebook and Instagram, as well as hosting virtual workshops via Zoom and Google Hangouts, you allow your audience to experience your business in a new light. Join cannabis-related business groups on Facebook and LinkedIn to stay on the pulse with news about the industry. Where you can, relay your expertise on such topics so that your position as a specialist makes your business the one people look to for cannabis-related content. Think of ways you can help novices in the industry grow with your support and advice.
A word of caution though: posting too much or going on Instagram Live every day can come across as disingenuous! Make your words and actions count.
Strategy #3: It’s a great time to hire
This may seem like a strange statement in the times of Corona, but it might be time to invest in a marketing and public relations specialist that can help you stand out. If conveying your ethos isn’t your forte, there are skilled professionals who can help tell your story and vision. Many in our great community come from similar backgrounds and have much that unites them, and hiring professionals will allow you to focus on other parts of your work you are more sure-footed in.
We recommend hiring professionals in the tech sphere, such as website designers apt at navigating the highly restrictive SEO of this industry, so that you can rank up in the highly coveted Google search. A great website allows your clients to purchase virtually and can ensure you are not losing out on business.
Strategy #4: Preservation is key
If you and your team can’t cultivate like you normally would or you had a surplus of the green plant that needs to be reserved, you need to store the product with care and caution. Mildew and mold are big factors in what makes even this resilient plant get compromised, and if you have worked hard growing it, you definitely don’t want it to go to waste. Airtight storage containers are essential in keeping your cannabis free from unwanted moisture, mold, and even Corona itself.
Strategy #5: Safety is always first
It might be the last on our list of cannabis business strategies for success, but it’s arguably the most critical. Following safety protocols (such as ensuring PPE and social distancing) is important for the health and safety of your workers and business partners. Beyond that, it has a number of positive ancillary effects. Anxious and nervous workers with low morale will never lead to a booming business. Moreover, it will help inspire trust in your customers, clients, and business associates while fostering a positive brand image. Though it can be a hard task, the onus falls on us to reassure each other in these trying times and it needs to start from within. If your business associates rely on travel and deliveries, make sure you are showing them that their safety is of utmost importance. Hosting virtual happy hours, sending thoughtful notes, and using other personal gestures that make people feel like they are taken care of is simple but very effective.
Stay Up-to-Date With Cannabis Business Strategies for Success from CannaCon
In this uncertain and unprecedented time, the cannabis industry seems to be an outlier with many opportunities in which one could seize the moment. Taking time to adapt your marketing approach, as well as your business practices, to the unique situation we find ourselves in will result in a successful cannabis business during COVID-19 and well into the future. Want more? Check out the other articles on our blog and get ready to attend a CannaCon event in your area – just as soon as everything reopens!