Accelerating Cannabis Root Growth With Beneficial Microbes

Here’s how you can stimulate expansive root growth in your cannabis plants — which means bigger crops — by utilizing the power of beneficial microbes.
As cannabis growers, it’s easy to get so focused on our crop’s vegetation and flower growth that we lose sight of what we can’t see: Our plants’ roots. But the fact is, what we see above the soil is a reflection of what’s going on beneath it — and that means if you can grow bigger, stronger roots, your plants will grow bigger, healthier, more potent fruits. That’s why we’re discussing why our crop’s root structures are so important, what stimulates root growth, and how we can improve and accelerate plant root growth using beneficial microorganisms.
Roots 101: Root Development In Cannabis
First, we need to take a moment to emphasize how important your crop’s root structures are.
Roots are the foundation from which your cannabis grows. The job of the roots is to absorb the water and nutrients in the root-zone environment, then transport those essential vitamins and nutrients up through the plant via the root system. Your plants’ leaves use these nutrients in the process of photosynthesis.
But your crop’s roots aren’t a one-way system. Some of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy produced during photosynthesis is sent back down into the roots to be stored for later use — like during the bloom phase, when your plants receive less light.
There are several factors that play into root growth, including temperature, moisture levels and the availability of oxygen. That’s right — your crop’s roots need oxygen, even though the upper portion of the plant utilizes carbon dioxide. This is why it’s critical to have proper airflow into the root zone.
Why Root Growth Is Crucial For Your Cannabis
Many growers inadvertently waste money and resources by feeding their plants more nutrients and supplements than their roots can absorb. The fact is, once your roots have reached maximum storage capacity, any additional nutrients you supply them will simply go to waste in the root zone.
However, by increasing the size of your root mass, you’ll increase your plants’ capacity for nutrient storage and energy production. In other words, bigger, more expansive roots mean bigger, more productive cannabis.
What Stimulates Cannabis Root Growth?
Now that we understand the importance of developing the biggest root systems possible, let’s explore how we can go about stimulating plant root growth.
Hydroponic growing offers several benefits over growing in soil. But there are also some downsides to this style of growing. One major disadvantage is missing out on all the beneficial microbes that abound in rich, healthy soil.
In fertile soil — the kind that has a strong, earthy smell — there are billions of microorganisms. These microbes benefit plants by working symbiotically with them to create bigger, healthier, more expansive roots — which in turn leads to bigger plants that thrive.
But what exactly are these microbes? And just how do they benefit your cannabis and help expand root mass?
How Beneficial Microbes Benefit Your Cannabis Crop
Two types of beneficial microbes live in healthy soil: Fungi and bacteria. These microorganisms work with the roots in different ways to promote root growth and enhance overall plant function, health and size.
Certain bacteria will colonize in different areas within the root structure, thereby expanding overall root mass and nutrient absorption capacity.
Other bacterial and fungal strains fight off bad bacteria and pathogens, defending your plants against toxins and disease, while still other strains can help plants recover from a harmful infestation.
Another way in which these microorganisms benefit your grow is by breaking down nutrients and micronutrients and making them more readily available to your plants through the production of chelators. Plus, there are several strains of bacteria that supply your plants with growth and bloom cofactors to further increase branching, budding and flowering sites.
Additionally, beneficial microbes can increase the production of essential oils within your plants.
Promoting Cannabis Root Growth With Microbial Nutrients
Just because you grow hydroponically, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from microorganisms. You simply need to add a high-quality microbial fertilizer into your crop’s feeding regimen.
As with all hydroponic gardening nutrient and supplement formulations, not all root development fertilizers and microbial fertilizers are created equal. So, how do you know what to look for in a quality microbial supplement?
First, you want to research the type of microbes that are beneficial for the specific cannabis crops you grow. There are hundreds of strains and species of beneficial fungi and bacteria — but you need the right strains and species in the right ratios in order to reap their benefits.
Second, you’ll want to look into how the microbes were produced. Some nutrient and microbial supplement manufacturers breed multiple strains of bacteria and fungi all together in a big vat — but this results in an unstable microbial population that can harm your cannabis rather than help it.
You’ll also want to ensure the supplement you choose has the largest number of live microbes possible. Beneficial bacteria and fungi are only beneficial if they’re alive — which means they have to be packaged in a specific manner.
For example, even though they can coexist in a root-zone environment, some beneficial microbial strains are incompatible when bottled together in a concentrated solution, which means the manufacturer must know which strains and species are incompatible to bottle them separately so that the microbial populations are preserved within the packaging.
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice: The Beneficial Microbe Supplement To Stimulate Plant Root Growth
Fortunately, there’s a beneficial microbial supplement that meets all the criteria listed above: Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice.
Voodoo Juice is an ultra-premium, proprietary blend of beneficial bacteria proven to increase root mass and crop yield. The four strains of bacteria present in Voodoo Juice work synergistically to:
- Develop a system of fine cannabis root hairs that increase water and nutrient absorption.
- Colonize plants’ vascular systems, enhancing nutrient transport into and within the crop.
- Produce plant growth factors that boost growth.
- Make nutrients and phosphates more soluble and available to your plants.
Voodoo Juice can be applied anytime during your crop’s life cycle, but it’s especially productive during the first two weeks of both grow and bloom phases. This way, your plants’ root zones get the full benefits of these four rhizobacteria.
Grow Bigger, Healthier Roots And Reap The Benefits At Harvest
Remember this: The crops you see growing out of the medium reflects their roots. Harness the power of Voodoo Juice and cultivate bigger, more expansive roots — and your yields will follow suit.
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What products should I buy and how much of an increase in plant mass for growing cannibus.
Cultured Biologix has a complete no-brew microbe tea lineup. SLF-100 is a great root enzyme product. Microbe Life Hydroponics Photo Plus, Orca, Great White etc. Earth worm castings are great for starters. If you are new to using beneficial microbes, some of these companies offer samples to try. One thing I will say though, if you are using salt based cannabis nutrients, most likely the salt will kill the microbe population in your soil. Beneficial microbes are meant to be used with organic type gardening. The microbes break down the organic material into a form that the the plants is able to absorb.
Rum Dog, I would be curious where your source is on salts killing microbes as it is generally considered a myth and has been proven other wise.
For example, the link is for a Texas A&M Microbiologist with sighted sources on the matter that claim otherwise.
Some products are made specifically to work with high salt environments. I think this also depends on the system. A Nano water system with o2 injection can pump upwards of 45mg/l of o2 . That o2 will help offset the salt issue. Using cold pressed kelp does wonders. COLD PRESSED not boiled. Microbial mass works for hydro and Synergy from Grotek for soil. I however agree that natural balance if managed is always best. Most people/growers are lazy and want it all. This can mean the industry needing to meet the demand for instant solutions.
I would like to know about root balls in a hydro system . Is it wise to cut them off . Is it also effective to trim the ends of your roots?
If you have time to trim roots it can be done. I have fixed a many of peoples root rot issues . Alot of stripping and ripping. If a plant is not too far gone it will come back. What I can’t be sure of is the gain or loss from trimming perfectly healthy roots. When a plant comes back from shock and its healthy it can be from 1-4 days, depending. Small trims to keep it out of a DWC tote drain is common with low shock resulting. bonsai uses constant root trimming to maintain a plant but I have never seen it done to increase or better the plants yield.
[…] However, by increasing the size of your root mass, you'll increase your plants' capacity for nutrient storage and energy production. In other words, bigger, more expansive roots mean bigger, more productive cannabis. via […]
full circle microbes offers the best (pop white roots in seven days) *natural* rooting microbes