Oklahoma Cannabis Convention: Welcome to Toke-lahoma

cannabis convention oklahoma city

Since medical cannabis became legal in 2018, Oklahoma has become the wild west of legalized cannabis markets, surpassing the rest of the country in medical license carriers and licensed cannabis businesses. Holding the record for most medical dispensaries per capita, with 36 shops for every 100,000 residents, no other state has been as transformed by marijuana legalization as The Sooner State.

With nearly 400,000 Oklahomans enrolled in the medical marijuana program, it’s obvious that residents desire cannabis. And yet, the legalization of recreational marijuana has been delayed once again with the defeat of State Question 820 in March 2023. So when will “Toke-lahoma” finally pass legislation allowing adult-usage of the wonderplant? That remains to be seen, but the cannabis industry is still very much booming. With this boom, Oklahoma cannabis events have become more and more common. And when it comes to events, none is more prolific than CannaCon’s cannabis convention in Oklahoma. Here is everything you need to know about attending CannaCon South in OKC this spring.

Oklahoma’s Marijuana Market

In 2020, the OMMA (Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Association) reported their patient count at almost 10 percent of the state’s population. An individual would be hard-pressed to not know someone with a medical marijuana license in this state.

To obtain a license, all a patient needs is a doctor’s recommendation. The fee for a medical cannabis card is $100. Disabled veterans and individuals with proof of Medicaid or Medicare pay a reduced fee of $20. With no list of prescribed conditions to qualify for medical marijuana use, you simply need a desire to toke and a doctor willing to give you a recommendation to receive your card.

Individuals and small businesses, as well as city and state programs, have all benefited from the cannabis industry. With billions of dollars of weed having been sold since 2018, it’s really no surprise that cannabis events Oklahoma are a huge draw in the South.

The Best Cannabis Convention Oklahoma

Come learn more about the cannabis market in Oklahoma at CannaCon, an interactive gathering of industry professionals, entrepreneurs and experts discussing the latest industry developments. Of all the cannabis events Oklahoma has to offer, CannaCon is a must-attend for anyone working in the realm of cannabis or thinking of entering it.

Dedicated to creating and strengthening lifelong partnerships in the cannabis industry, CannaCon is proud to educate cannabis business owners about all things related to cannabis and CBD. This epic Oklahoma cannabis trade show, held from Friday April 5 through Saturday April 6, features seminars delivered by industry experts, including:

  • Paul Kerry, co-founder of P&P Media, discussing the dos and don’ts of social media in the cannabis industry
  • Anthony Pagni, co-founder of Perfectionist Rolling Equipment, exploring the significance of automated pre-roll manufacturing
  • Alexander Schroeder, growers market segment manager for Catchmaster Gro, delving into the world of pest management in cannabis cultivation

And more! View the full CannaCon OKC seminar schedule here.

There will also be a huge number of respected vendors and exhibitors at this Oklahoma cannabis event. From the newest grow tech to organic seed producers, storage and extraction solutions and even cannabis law and financial experts, you’ll find a gigantic cross-section of the industry at CannaCon. Just a few of the many exhibitors include:

  • Custom Cones USA
  • NuCO2
  • Grow Pros Solution
  • Trim2Oil
  • Strain Hunters
  • LEEFOG Technology Co
  • And so many more!

You can view the full CannaCon OKC exhibitor lineup here.

With so many new developments happening in the Oklahoma cannabis marketplace, such as the controversial new bill passed in regard to marijuana prepackaging and the extension on the moratorium on marijuana business licenses, it is important to keep up-to-date and in the know. There is no better place to do that than CannaCon!

CannaCon OKC is an event surely not to be missed by anyone looking to make connections and grow their hold in the bustling Big Friendly. As the nation’s leading business-to-business cannabis conference, CannaCon offers an experience unlike any other. Don’t delay — Get your tickets today for the absolute best cannabis event in Oklahoma.

Regulatory Considerations

If you are attending CannaCon OKC and plan to make certain purchases for your cannabis business, be sure that you have the correct licensing to do so. You may be required to provide your ODAFF license and furnish proof that you are able to purchase them. Additionally, if you are an attendee and plan to sell seeds, please make sure you have the appropriate license before doing so at CannaCon.

Be Part of the Greatest Cannabis Convention in Oklahoma!

CannaCon is the nation’s largest B2B cannabis convention, connecting thousands of vendors and visitors alike over one shared interest: the cannabis industry. Purchase your tickets for CannaCon OKC now and secure your spot at CannaCon, where you’ll meet likeminded entrepreneurs and build a bigger, stronger network.

This article was originally published on May 19, 2021, and was updated on March 25, 2024.


  1. Phillip Roder on May 25, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    We are looking for the press contact for the convention. Please the Public Relations representative contact KFOR-TV. We are trying to do a story on the convention Thursday.

  2. Daphne on June 1, 2021 at 7:48 am

    I just found out about this conference…and missed it. Do you have any playback opportunities?

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