
reasons to visit okc
cannabis labeling

Proper packaging and labeling are a critical part of any cannabis business

Proper packaging and labeling are a critical part of any cannabis business, each state with its regulations and guidelines. Check out the downloadable documents for each state’s requirements. As the industry grows, there are more product brands on the market competing to outsell one another. Proper packaging and labeling will help ensure that your product makes it to the dispensary…

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organic standards for cannabis production

Organic Standards for Cannabis Production

An upcoming movement within the cannabis industry is customer demand for organically grown products. Some states are pushing organic standards for cannabis production, as national recognition by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently out of the question due to federal regulations around the cultivation and use of the plant. It is important to note, however, the USDA “Organic”…

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virtual cannabis event

Cannabis Event Spaces Pivot to Virtual Post-COVID

There seems to be a heightened level of social, cultural, and legal importance pertaining to the once criminalized plant, cannabis. Some say that designating cannabis as an “essential” business the likes of a pharmacy or grocery store was a massive victory for cannabis and can surely usher in federal legalization in the US. As it currently stands, and despite a…

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successful cannabis business during covid-19

Your Cannabis Business Strategies for Success

The cannabis industry has felt the spotlight in recent years and the conversation around this plant during the COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified. The telling surge in sales along with cities like San Francisco and New York declaring cannabis businesses as essential has further established and solidified the validity of this burgeoning industry. As there are layoffs across most industries,…

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weed vaping

Why Vaping Wins

The Evolution of vaping – In the past 7 years the weed vaping market has changed considerably. For strong performance you were pretty much stuck with a desktop unit. From Storz and Bickel’s Volcano, 7th Floor’s SSV & Da Buddha, or Arizer’s Extreme Q. All varying wildly in price and performance. The portable market was dominated by much weaker competition…

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automating cannabis

Automating Cannabis for the Future

Whether they are retrofitting or have the ability to build to spec, growers are automating cannabis irrigation systems that are accurate, cost-effective, and time-saving. Good Meds, based in Denver, Colorado, is one of those growers. Initially, they relied on hand-watering and fertilizing manually. With a 90,000 square foot facility — that takes a lot of employee time, and human error…

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cannabis deli versus packaging states

Deli Versus Package States: What’s the Difference and Why It Can Matter During Times of COVID-19

Around the world, people are urged to stay at home and social distance to help prevent the spread of this deadly respiratory disease called COVID-19. Laws and ordinances governing when and why one should leave their home have swept nations and are said to have helped protect millions from infection. However, beyond social distancing and safer-at-home orders, some credit essential…

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cannabis transportation

Cannabis Transportation: Business Auto Insurance Vs. Non-Owned and Hired Auto Insurance

Cannabis transportation is now becoming a key element in the thriving cannabis industry. Cannabis businesses, from cultivators to retailers need to bring products safely from point A to point B, but there are significant risks related to transportation. Being prepared and properly insured can help save you from major losses in case of an incident, while transporting your cannabis products.…

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cannabis legislation and the coronavirus

Cannabis Legislation and the Coronavirus

Cannabis legislation and the coronavirus update as of May 2020. As the world adapts to eradicate COVID-19, lawmakers from the United States have not forgotten the cannabis industry. Although relief to other small businesses has been rolled out by the federal government in the form of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs), traditional 7(a) loans, 504 loans,…

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