
reasons to visit okc

The Differences Between Weed Flower and Concentrate

Cannabis grew in popularity originally through smoking, and through the years various methods of smoking weed flower have made their appearance, it can be rolled into a joint or smoked in a pipe, a bong or a vape. Weed flower can also be baked into edibles. The variety of concentrates available today presents a whole different array of forms and…

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Most Common Ways To Consume Marijuana

There are numerous ways to consume cannabis. As more and more people understand the importance of Marijuana, people find easier ways for consumption, like to make them edibles, topical solutions, THC oils, and many more. Every method of consumption has its advantages – depending on your reason to consume. Before consumption, you should know about the common ways to consume…

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women in the cannabis industry | women and weed

Women in Weed: Breaking the Grass Ceiling or Business as Usual?

It’s been a wild ride in regulated cannabis these past few years. Who’s surprisingly close to the front of the pack in such an exciting and transgressive market, you ask? Women. Women in the cannabis industry have a big impact on legal weed markets. According to a July 2019 Marijuana Business Daily (MJ Biz Daily) article, nearly 37% of executive-level…

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is weed legal in maine? maine cannabis laws

Recreational Dispensaries Open for Business in Maine

After long, long last, residents of Maine may partake in recreational adult-use cannabis because of the change to Maine cannabis laws. Nearly four years after voters approved legalization, the state officially launched retail sales on Oct. 9, 2020. As of now, five retail stores, five cultivation facilities, one testing lab and one manufacturing facility have been granted licenses. The answer…

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mommy jane

12 Questions with Cannabis Advocate and Social Media Influencer The Mommy Jane

The Mommy Jane is a cannabis advocate and influencer helping smash the stigma of moms and marijuana. Check out this exclusive Q&A! 1. How did The Mommy Jane start?  I was a mother completely wrapped up in wine culture. I was drinking every night (and some days), abusing prescription drugs that were (and weren’t) mine. I was overweight from my…

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us cannabis legalization news

Cannabis Election Update 2020

News of cannabis legalization and monumental changes are imminent in the United States after the presidential election which was finalized over the weekend, including groundbreaking US cannabis legalization measures in several states. When the new laws go into effect, one-third of this country’s population will reside where some form of cannabis is legal. Here is a guide to voted-in changes…

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Federal Marijuana Legalization

UPDATE: What Happened with the Federal Legalization Bill?

Something huge for the cannabis industry was planned to happen in September 2020: The U.S. House of Representatives planned to vote on HR 3884, the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. The goal behind this proposed federal marijuana legalization legislation is to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, ratify criminal and social justice reforms related to cannabis, and…

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Women in Plant Medicine Mskindness Ramirez Cannabis Children's Cannabis Book Author

Mskindness Ramirez: Cannabis Author and Advocate

The legal cannabis industry is filled with exciting professionals and women in plant medicine from all sectors. One such person is a master educator, industry veteran, children’s book author and accidental cannabis advocate, Mskindness Ramirez, M.Ed.  We sat down with Mskindness Ramirez, the executive director for Club Kindness, Inc., a non-profit organization created to support patients, brands and dispensaries with…

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cannabis and the pandemic

Is cannabis the answer to the pandemic financial devastation?

The concept of nationwide legalization of recreational cannabis as a method of economic recovery in a post-pandemic world may sound a bit outlandish, but a strong precedent exists. Nearly 100 years ago, the repeal of Prohibition provided tax revenue and employment generation, which helped lift the United States out of The Great Depression. How cannabis and the pandemic compare to…

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