Change on the cultivation side of business operations can be hard to come by and even harder to justify. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is the adage many business have adopted over the years. However, innovation on the cultivation side is one of the easiest ways to distinguish your business as an industry leader. Aside from costly infrastructure improvements, there are simple changes that can be made in all operations to lower production costs, improve consistency, and eliminate variables.
In a fast-growing market like the cannabis industry, cultivators and business owners need to embrace every opportunity to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. From the cultivation aspect, such opportunities are plentiful–acceptedly huge overhead and massive profit margins have allowed inefficient operations to thrive for years. While growers in other horticultural and agricultural industries are accustomed to penny-pinching and maximizing efficiency, the same frugality and simplicity is only now becoming the norm in our industry’s largest and most progressive grow operations.
A great example of this is that all cultivators rely on chemical fertilizers to grow successful crops, but many neglect the biological aspect of crop nutrition, leaving their plant’s true potential untapped. Even worse, the alchemist’s approach–mixing and matching various biological and chemical products with no clear intent or purpose–is costly and makes problems much more difficult to solve when they arise. Instead, large-scale cannabis cultivation should be built on the premises of simplicity, efficiency, and quality to provide maximum benefit to both the producer and consumer.