Joseph Mattord
Joseph Mattord is 32 years old, born and raised in Austin, TX, known as one of the technology Mecca’s and largest growing cities in the United States. Austin is also known for organic farming methods and only providing top products in a variety of industries. This allowed Joe to experiment with growing cannabis at the age of 15 years old. He was able to move to Colorado at age 22, and participate in more cultivation methods, and preserving genetics.
Joe has been fortunate enough in the industry to have mentors that are highly regarded and known as horticulture experts for over 2 decades. Joe has an extreme passion for horticulture and has studied privately since he was 20 years old. Responsible for designing and building multiple medical/recreational warehouse gardens in Denver since moving to Colorado in 2009. Through this past history of internships, learning, and expertise, Joe came to represent veg + bloom (nutrient) for 3 years, which has allowed visitation to many of the largest gardens in California and Colorado. This has allowed Joe to take in best practices as well as meeting and befriending some of the world leaders in the cannabis industry for future guidance.