Sell Joy! How to Write Compliant Claims and Messaging for Your Cannabis Brand

January 10, 2020 | 2:00 pm | Room 315 | Marketing & Branding

When it comes to marketing and advertising cannabis, CBD and hemp products, the rules & regulations can be daunting. Making any sort of claims regarding the health benefits of these products is illegal based on a number of laws that are applicable to all foods and beverages, not just cannabis. The risks for breaking these laws can be steep. So how do you market & advertise your cannabis products without running afoul of these laws and risk penalties, legal fees & jail time?

This seminar will teach you how to make soft health claims that might allow your business to fly under the FDA’s radar. And if you’re business is not interested in taking the risk of making health claims, you’ll also learn how to build a messaging platform that helps generate a solid emotional connection with your customers.

This seminar demonstrates how to write emotional claims for your brand rather than health claims that can put your business at risk.
-Laws & agencies that regulate product health claims.
-Risks & barriers to making health claims.
-Penalties associated with making product health claims (if caught).
-How to write soft health claims that could fly under the radar.
-How to build a messaging platform that focuses on features, benefits & building an emotional connection with your customers.

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Jennifer Whetzel, Founder, Ladyjane Branding

Jennifer Whetzel is a marketing professional and founder of Ladyjane Branding. For over 25 years, Whetzel has been branding, advertising, marketing, strategizing and researching for Fortune 500 companies and B2B/B2C small businesses.  After finding significant symptom relief in medical cannabis and emotional support from community members, she was inspired to use her professional expertise to help businesses in the cannabis industry develop smart, strategic and consistent brands that create deep connections with consumers.
From do-it-yourself evaluations, branding makeover strategies and design assessments, Ladyjane teaches businesses how to multiply their marketing and advertising efforts with techniques used by Fortune 500 companies. Jennifer’s signature creations – an Archetypal segmentation model, Ladyjane’s Brand Archetype & Consumer Personality Quizzes, and the Two-Hour Brand Makeover – all empower entrepreneurs in the industry to take their brand strategies into their own hands to stand out and sell more.