In nature, plants interact with their surrounding ecosystems to form synergistic relationships. For example, plants interact with tens of thousands of soil microbial species to maximize benefits of nutrient cycling activities within the plant rhizosphere. Additionally, there are natural processes and predators in nature that work to protect plants by repelling and preying on pests. In cannabis and hemp cultivation, it is desirable for cultivators to take measures to mimic natural process in order to maximize plant health and productivity. The question is in how to best go about this. Our impact is developing compatible microbial and preventative solutions for real world cultivation challenges. Learn how to maximize cannabis and hemp plant yield, quality, and health across many management practices, including: outdoor, greenhouse, regenerative, vertical farming and hydroponic systems. Colin Bell of Mammoth Microbes will educate cultivators of all sizes and all cultivation styles on the ways that they can implement natural solutions in their grows to maximize plant quality, health, and yield, and insure that their investment in their plants is protected.