Post Harvest Environments – Busting Mythes, Taking Control and Improving Profitability

May 20, 2023 | 1:00 pm | Room 1 | Processing

Post harvest is often an afterthought when planning a new facility and working in existing spaces. We struggle with variable climates and seasonal shifts. The key to controlling post harvest is gaining an understanding of the physics at work in the drying, curing and storage space. When we understand the relationship between temperature, dew point and relative humidity we have the foundation on which to build and operate a sound post harvest environment. We’ll take a deep dive into the physics at work in the post harvest environment and how to get control over conditions in this misunderstood and often neglected part of the cannabis industry. This presentation will review best practices for building out drying, curing and storage space. We will also review the best materials to use when constructing a post harvest space. Importantly, We’ll talk in some detail about how proper management in post harvest can increase profitability, reduce waste and ultimately produce superior cannabis.

David Sandelman, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Cannatrol/VT Dry & Cure Technologies

David Sandelman is the Co-Founder of VT Dry & Cure Technologies and creator of Cannatrol Systems. He has been involved in new product development in the HVAC industry for over 35 years. As a serial inventor and problem solver, he holds 17 US Patents relating to energy controls and systems. Most recently, 2 patents have been issued relating to dry/cure and storage of cannabis, plus one additional patent pending.

David is the inventor of the first 2 wire digital clock thermostat, created to address the energy crisis in the late 1970’s. He has worked on new cooling technologies with Oakridge National Laboratories (ONL), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). He is currently the Chief Operating and Chief Technology Officer of VT Dry & Cure Technologies, leading the production and engineering efforts.