It’s a common misconception that the cannabis industry is unbanked. While compliance burdens inhibit many banks from entering the cannabis space, options do exist. In this session, you will learn about the current cannabis banking landscape, how banks view the different tiers of marijuana related businesses, and how you can get a bank account for your cannabis business. Abaca CEO Dan Roda, a cannabis attorney and banker, will lead you through an entertaining and informative session that covers all the “DOs” and “DONTs” of getting your business banked.
The goal of the presentation is to educate cannabis business owners and managers about the realities of what financial services are available to their business, how to obtain those services, and, most importantly — how to keep them. Hear directly from the CEO of a cannabis-friendly financial service provider about how institutions view cannabis businesses and their owners, and how you can ensure stability for your business by fostering and maintaining transparent and stable relationships with financial partners.