Financial and Employment Compliance Potholes & How to Avoid Them
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A prepared discussion on the do’s and don’ts for financial compliance and employment compliance.
Greg Packer, Founder and President, Access Point
Gregory Packer began his career in the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Industry in October of 1984 with Dallas based Omnistaff, Inc. In December of 1985 Greg established Amstaff, Inc. in Michigan. In 1997 Greg orchestrated the merger of AmStaff into Automatic Data Processing (ADP) to help form what is now ADP TotalSource. From July 1997 until September of 1999 Greg held the position of Area President with responsibility for all operations of ADP TotalSource in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. When he stepped down as Area President in 1999 the division had grown to exceed 30,000 worksite employees and more than $1.5 billion in annual revenue. Greg founded AccessPoint, LLC in December 2000, in 2011 Greg launched a staffing business that grew to have 1900 staffing associates and 400 healthcare technology specialists. In May of 2019 he divested from the staffing business units to focus on a new partnership with Vensure Employer Services, he continues as AccessPoint President.
As an industry leader Greg has served in the following capacities:
Vehicles 4 Change, National Board Member; 2014-present
Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC); BOD 2017-2019
National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), Chairman; 2016 – 2017
National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), BOD/Exec Committee
YPO Gold – Motor City Chapter Chairman 2017-18
YPO Gold – Motor City Chapter Executive Committee 2012-present
Chair, National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO); Federal Government
Affairs Committee (FGAC) 2010-16
Board Member, National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO); 1992-96, 2007-09
Greg led the passage and implementation effort for the Federal legislation known as the “Small Business Efficiency Act” (SBEA) creating the IRS “CPEO” program. Greg also led the effort to create Public Act 603 in Michigan which codifies the role of PEO’s as employers of all worksite employees, including client company officers. Greg has testified before numerous Senate and Congressional hearings on PEO industry related issues at the state and federal levels.