Cannabis Licenses and Application Process in Massachusetts
July 27, 2018 | 1:20 pm | Room 103 | Business / Legal
Interested in starting a cannabis business in Massachusetts? Join Us for an in depth overview of the types of cannabis licenses and the application process. Questions will be answered at the end of the presentation.
Kamani Jefferson
“I never cared about politics until weed got legalized.”
After graduating with a degree in Management-Information Systems from Binghamton University, I obtained sales + tech development experience in Silicon Alley (NYC) before co-founding the Cannabis Cultural Association. In 2016, I relocated to Boston to work on the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol while volunteering for both Students for Sensible Drug Policy and Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance. As the Registered Lobbyist & President of the Massachusetts Recreational Consumer Council, I am looking to further grow my career by networking with like-minded individuals and learning more about innovation.