sweet heal

Sweet Heal is a farming-based Hemp and CBD producer. We grow, as well as have partnerships with local farmers that produce industrial Hemp to high standards. We-select only premium genetics for our CBD Hemp plants. We then process these plants to make our CBD oil. Sweet Heal believes in using extraction and distillation methods that produce a full spectrum oil that is free of the toxic residues left behind by some hydrocarbon-based solvents. This is why we have chosen ethanol as our extraction solvent. After extraction our crude oil is purified using advanced distillation techniques resulting in a full spectrum oil that is rich in CBD. This oil is then used in the formulation of the products we produce and offer to the consumer. We also sell our oil in bulk form to other manufacturers.

Our parent company, D&G, has been operating an Agricultural and Technology Company for the past 4 years. D&G Agtek is a founding member of the North East Sustainable Hemp Association. D&G Agtek is passionate about scientific based research efforts in the Hemp processing industry and has partnered with local universities studying extraction techniques and efficiencies for several years.