When will cannabis be legal in Texas? [2024]

There has been some major confusion in the Lone Star State. Many claim the state government has basically legalized marijuana, resulting in retailers advertising sales for legal Texas cannabis. While State Senator Jose Menendez has said “in a way, inadvertently, we passed a law that sort of legalized the use of cannabis in the state of Texas,” State Senator Charles Perry said “To be clear, Texas did not legalize pot knowingly or unknowingly.”
So what’s the actual truth? Read below for the answer to the question “is cannabis legal in Texas?” plus other Texas cannabis legalization news.
Hemp laws in Texas
Russell Gold, senior editor at Texas Monthly magazine, was recently interviewed by Texas Public Radio reporter Jerry Clayton. Gold and his team traveled to Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio and bought products advertised as hemp. However, once tested, the products were revealed to be way above the THC limit that separates hemp from cannabis.
Under hemp laws in Texas, dispensaries can only sell products with less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Federal law, which Texas has adopted, states a hemp product with a low level of THC may be sold. The uncertainty comes from products with THCA. THCA is, chemically speaking, substantially similar to THC. In fact, when THCA is lit on fire, it becomes THC. This issue fuels some of the turmoil surrounding Texas cannabis laws.
Is delta 8 legal in Texas?
In the same vein, other hemp products are under review by the Texas Supreme Court, causing many to ask questions like:
- Is delta 8 legal in texas?
- Is delta 9 legal in Texas?
- Is CBD legal in Texas?
Since Texas’s adoption of federal hemp law, state residents have spent billions annually on hemp products. In 2021, the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) tried to ban delta 8, but a hemp grower filed an injunction against the agency. In August 2024, DSHS filed an opening brief; the Court is now awaiting the hemp producer’s response brief, which is due in October. While the Texas Supreme Court could hear the case in 2024, it may not make a delta 8 THC ruling until 2025.
Hemp laws in Texas
Texas cannabis laws may get more restrictive in other ways as lawmakers plan to increase regulations in the 89th Texas Legislature, convening in January. Under current law, products are legal if their THC concentration is under 0.3% by dry weight. With this restriction, smokeables require a substantial volume to affect mood, but denser items like edibles and beverages are much more favorable.
Some potential measures, such as age verification, are welcomed by industry businesses, as Texas currently has no official age policy for hemp-derived products. “We hear the state and share the same concerns,” says Shayda Torabi, founder of RESTART and president of the Texas Hemp Coalition. “We are very pro-regulation, not elimination.” While Texas hemp laws 2024 are likely safe, those in the industry know to keep a close eye on upcoming sessions.
Current status of Texas cannabis laws
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) recently released a report that found the state’s medical cannabis program does not provide “statewide access” for qualifying patients, suggesting officials take steps to expand the program’s accessibility. The report was published in partnership with medical cannabis consulting firm Weeds, Inc., investigating the sustainability and availability of the Texas cannabis program. Currently, the Compassionate Use Program (CUP) allows for limited access to non-smokable forms of cannabis for patients with a qualifying condition and doctor’s recommendation. Expansion proposals include allowing more than the existing three retailers, recruiting more physicians, reducing retailer restrictions and expanding product options.
“In general, Texas’ huge geographic spread creates unique problems for both patients and dispensing organizations trying to provide statewide access,” the report says. “The legislature’s expansion of qualifying conditions and increasing patient enrollment have not been matched by comparable increases in enrolled prescribing physicians or dispensary locations. We conclude that while telemedicine and physician education can reduce access gaps between medical cannabis patients and qualified medical specialists, the lack of dispensing organizations outside the Central Texas region makes access to products to meet those medical needs inaccessible,” it continues.
Stay on top of Texas cannabis legalization with CannaCon!
While Texas cannabis legalization is not likely on the horizon, the state does have a robust bipartisan majority of voters who support decriminalizing marijuana. According to a new poll from the University of Texas/Texas Politics Project, more people say they want to reduce restrictions on cannabis than say the same about guns, gambling and abortion in Texas. When asked whether the penalty for possession or use of cannabis should be reduced to a citation and fine, 68% supported the proposal, including 42% who said they “strongly” favor it. Voters in Austin, Denton, Elgin, Killeen and San Marcos have already passed local cannabis decriminalization policies, while Lockhart, Bastrop and Dallas will consider the reforms in this November’s voting cycle.
Not sure how to vote yet? Learn more about Texas cannabis and CBD by following CannaCon on social media! And be sure to attend an upcoming CannaCon event if you want to learn more from the smartest minds in the industry. Get your CannaCon tickets now.
This article was originally published Aug. 10, 2021. It was updated Aug. 22, 2023 and October 31, 2024.
Agree !! Legalize it and keep people from dying with all these medications given ! When one thing can help tremendously!
agree totaly.along with it would help alot as other states have been makeing and giveing the government loads of cash for thier Huge debt now some trillions of dollars in debt
Unfortunately Texas will be the last state to do so. In became law here in 1937 and the language used in the legislature urging passage is an open record for anyone to see. The word immigrant or migrant worker was not used. Here is a mild quote: “We need to quickly pass this law in order to CONTROL those degenerate races especially the Mexicans.” Even more unfortunate is how many still believe that. This law should have been repealed with the passage of the civil rights act. How hispanics can support it I simply cant fathom.
The old commercials are so not right. The money Arizona sellers are making could be here if legalized, a person who smokes knows how much, so why not let people make money legally selling it plus it’s money for state also, you know they will have their hands involved. Yeah Cannibis
Yes, I Agree. I am a Registered Nurse and Pot would help pain and nothing comes close to non-narcotic like Marijuana. We have medications that do not help. Marijuana is very helpful with cancers, recovery after surgeries, arthritis, and too many to list. I do not smoke marijuana and I am 100 percent for this medicine.
I suffer social anxiety after a teams ( I will not get into)and as a result I am pretty well home bound . Eatables allowed me some sense of well-being in unavoidable occasions. Texas has no idea how behind our laws on this wonderful medication
I’m with u on the edibles I also am pretty much home bound between hospital stays. I wonder if edibles can help me i have memory problem right now I can’t remember what all’s wrong but I have emphysema (not too serious) but I have respiratory problems and it’s caused from smoking and it’s killing me I was told by Dr yesterday I may have 6 months left although I don’t feel that bad but my heart could give out not my lungs first, my mother had early on dementia and I’m beginning to wonder if I do . so my question is can my lung Dr prescribe me edibles now in Texas as a treatment instead of pain narcotics for now?
Then you put the drug makers out of business and thats what they are finding out
You are so right. While most Veterans with PTSD ask the VA for flowers to smoke; the Doc usually says no; so most Veterans are killing themselves with Tabasco, alcohol and fire arms?
I’m sorry….it’s just time it be made legal. Recreationally and medically. Sure the medical marijuana has a place in Texas now but I just don’t see how moonshine can be made legal concidering what else is made from the same sort of process that is a felony offence if caught with(meth) and marijuana is still treated like it is a man made white substance! I can honestly say with my own eyes and experience that marijuana just makes places and people more calm, and there most certainly is less crime. Being a substance abuse patient, I also have obstructive sleep apnea which can cause seizures. I unfortunately do suffer from Gran Mal seizures from this sleep disorder. I can say that this helps me sleep, helps me deal and treat the after effects of the seizures I have and I have noticed my self and have had long periods where I may sleep better and even though having seizures still I’m not having them as often. And addiction to marijuana, I see addiction to marijuana way different than an addiction to hard drugs like meth. I could care less if I have a week or two to wait for what I’m wanting to have for my personal use when I’m not able to buy. Call it a mind over matter or a store down the road has CBD, not the same thing, and it may not satisfy me but it does what I’m taking it for, helps me sleep, and eases the issues with the seizures after I have them. And these issues I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I have horrible headaches, extream fatigue for a few days sometimes after just one seizure, the auras are bad too…..the freaked out feelings are awful. Having the sadness feeling when I don’t know why but I’m crying. The shaking that can happen sometimes during a seizure can leave muscles tense and irritating feeling. Like having been on my feet for hours and haven’t been doing nothing. Yes, marijuana helps. Also yeah a night cap after watching a long movie before bed is awesome too. And during this covid-19, it has so many abilities to be consumed by it’s consumer that a group of people be it friends of family could enjoy safely. Just stating facts. It can be ate in cookies, used in oils, or smoked in a joint, a pipe.or a bong. And away from people outdoors! Other people on hard drugs tend to hide indoors and share each other’s aparatasis. Some become violent and do crazy harsh hostile things. Another good Fact.
In conclusion…….legalizing marijuana would take money out of the drug cartels that try to send it across the boarder and we could pay off our U.S. taxes and get back in control of our finances across the United States. I just wish people would put their old thoughts and ways they were taught it was so horrible. After all in the Holy Bible the book of Genesis says any green seed that sprouts green plant was meant for humanities use. Unfortunately this means the coca plant too but if you could keep the manufacturing hands off of it we might have another medicine that could be used for medical purposes. Yes it may need to stay medically legal, but marijuana has less harm than alcohol. Marijuana should have been legalized recreationally across the United States before moonshine was. Just saying!
Majority Rules should apply.
unbelievable still have to wait on in2022 don’t make sense 🙄 to day is Oct,7 2022 Texas is full of idiots and thinks it is addictive 🙄 😑 😒 leads to harder drugs I know a lot of people who smoke marjunana and that all they do maybe a little wine, give us a brake !!!!
I have ptsd and wanted to ask or how do l get my Marijuana medical card?
Not sure where u live but in Johnson county there is a Dr who does medicinal marijuana patients. Her name is Dr. Clarke in cleburne TX
I have chronic pain and sometimes I need instant relief. And the carrier oils are too slow.
Agree! It’s just their method of keeping control over people, not allowing for them to grow it themselves, smoke it themselves, and being a free citizen/adult who can accept the consequences of their own decisions without the gov needing to do it for us.
fuck them they ain’t no one’s boss I do as I please I don’t give a shit what they say yea I said it
As well as ineffective and completely non efficacious. They simply don’t work as the fairy tales would have us believing. The effects of marijuana are nothing as depicted. I’ve been consuming cannabis since I was nine years old. I’m now 39. And an extremely successful individual who’s also in a happy 14 + year marriage. The medical cannabis propaganda is worse than standardized cannabis propaganda as a whole. It needs to be treated as the minimally effective minimally active compound that it is. It does almost nothing, and what it does do is helpful.
Don’t tell me you’ve been smoking weed consistently for 30 years. Obviously cannabis isn’t going to work its magic if you have that high of a tolerance. Its very effective for people who only use it strictly for medicinal reasons and don’t abuse it. I’m not saying you do. I believe there is a wide range of cannabinoids in the plant that can help a variety of people for different reasons.
For example, THC may not work well for some, but maybe CBD and CBG can work wonders for that same person.
THC can be effective in treating depression in certain individuals and give them a creative boost, while CBD, CBG, and CBN can help for pain, insomnia, anxiety, and also depression. CBD and CBG are also effective mood stabilizers, and anti-psychotics.
So it can even help people with serious psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
There are countless medicinal benefits to cannabis and hemp. We just need to keep in mind that consistent use will dull the cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, therefore minimizing the medical benefits, and also keep in mind that certain cannabinoids may not work for some people, but others just might.
I think there needs to be more in-depth research into the effects of ALL cannabinoids, not just the popular THC and CBD, which are the most known and well studied. It should also be noted that mixing many cannabinoids together maximizes the medicinal potential, (known as the entourage effect) but most weed nowadays only contains massive amounts of THC but little to none of the other cannabinoids. So of course the high THC bud with no other cannabinoids won’t have as much as a medical benefit.
Well I disagree. My dear friend of 20 plus years got breast cancer a month later stage 4 bone cancer . They said she might have a year or so she ended up getting 6 years . So yes there are benefits more then you want to believe
What about diseases like cystic fibrosis LAMS disease Lou gherigs this is blantant medical racism I have LAMS disease and deserve to have the right to try medical marijuana as a pain relief try having your lungs collapse it discrimination to all people with rare diseases
I would like to use 100 acres of land in Texas for the production of medical marijuana and lease the land to an existing medical marijuana growing company. Would you provide me with any information that you can to assist me with this project.
Just legalize recreational already for crying out loud. Alcohol kills more people a year and that’s legal but pot which hasn’t killed anyone and you literally can not overdose because it’s impossible to smoke your weight is illegal. You’re telling me the liquid death alcohol is legal. More teens die from drunk driving every year. More people die of liver failure from alcohol every year. It’s unbelievably unreal just how corrupt the United States really is. You let states legalize cocaine and heroine, major killer drugs which can lead to murder and overdose, but make a what you call a hallucinogen (which pot is clearly not) illegal. I have adhd, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, chronic migraines and tension headaches and bad knees and pills don’t help, yet let’s give me something that can kill me being addictive instead of a plant that does no harm and actually helps me focus, reduces my headaches ten fold, manages my pain and calms me down. But fuck my liver and personal health because y’all can’t regulate tax on weed even though it’s a multi billion dollar industry AND helped reduce crime in one americas cities by fifty percent. Y’all are unbelievable. Get with the program and quit fucking around with yalls dicks in yalls hands.
Legislation , don’t be so backward.
I agree. The Texas economy would absolutely blow if we legalized, not to mention how many people it could possibly help.
I love Texas and I lean more so conservative, but we are too damn conservative in this aspect. Sometimes we need a little progressivism, and legalizing weed is one great example of that. LEGALIZE CANNABIS IN TEXAS 2023! Its also these lame ass pharmaceutical companies that try to compete with medicine already found in nature so they can profit off of lab made medicines, that are a short term cure for a long term problem. It’s bullshit and I’m sick of it
I’m also a conservative, but don’t consider cannabis prohibition to be a conservative practice, at all. In fact, since the law was popularized by massive anti marijuana propaganda campaigns, based entirely on fabrications, it is more in line with the current leftist/fascist MO-based on dis-information, and reduces the freedom of citizens. 🙂
Even if they legalize or not. Can somebody pass a law to tell these dopers / marijuana users to confine the stinking smell to their lungs.
People who do not use and smoke marijuana are entitled to clean air and safety from second hand smoke!
Anyone who stinks up apartments, homes, public places, parking lots and apartment complexes must be monitored and penalized if THEY DO NOT ReSpect non- smoker rights
Some of these users have their brains fried so bad they steal to support their vice in the name of “ medication”
Its not illegal for something to stink.
People who smoke have the right to smoke outdoors.i smoke and i dont smoke inside my home or inside anywhere for that matter.But i do and will smoke outside unless there is clear signage saying no smoking on this property.i will then just step off the property.You breathe in var exhaust and pollutants daily.the scent of my smoke in passing is going to kill you.Unless im blwoing smoke directly in your face mind your business and move on
I could say the same thing about people who grow flowers in their yard. Or the same thing about farmers who have cattle. Can’t they just confine the smell? Doesn’t that seem like a dumb question? Doesn’t that seem like an even dumber demand?
I dont’t like the smell of some perfumes, coffee, detergents. We should also penalize people who use those things as well huh Jen? Oh and I don’t like the smell of new born babies, we should also penalize parents for having children.
Sounds pretty stupid huh?
Dopers ? Thats the funniest shit I have heard. My brain is not fried and I am a daily smoker. Before using the word DOPERS, maybe you should educate yourself on the benefits of THC. Have a good day !
umm congratulations; Jen. you are indeed a special breed of stupid. Can you keep your farts trapped inside your asshole so we dont have to smell it? should be plenty of room since all the shit is coming out of your mouth or fingertips in this case.
it’s not tobacco. the smell isn’t THAT bad. not like a cigar. and if it’s smoked from a vape pen it’s virtually undetectable; with what little there is that might be noticed by people nearby is a scent that is quickly dissipating and not at all offensive. vape pens containing cannabis concentrates leave no scent whatsoever even when chain smoked in homes, cars, bedrooms, any small space even with no ventilation and theres absolutely no lingering scent in the area, the carpet, clothes, hair, furniture, nothing.
even still I doubt ppl are gonna just start lighting up all over the place (which can have an odor but no where near as offensive or long lasting as cigarettes or cigars ) or even hitting their pens in public as most places of business just don’t allow it unless it’s a specific section or a bar. I mean thats been the case for so long it’s kind of universally known and ppl are pretty 100% compliant; I don’t see how legalizing Marijuana (never should have been illegal in the first place ) is going to send this message that it’s suddenly ok to whip out a bong or dab rig and light up right in the middle of Chick Fil A or Target???
and really?? you worried about second hand smoke from pot or vape pens with pot in them taking you out? that’s a threat to your health?? thats gonna kill you? “death by inhaling second hand Marijuana smoke–no contact high; but fatality”??? whew. well I’m about to really rain on your idiot parade :
you do know; right, that ultimately no one gets out alive?
and spoiler alert: go to your kitchen. pick up a few things in your pantry; cookies. cereal. Coca cola, Dr pepper. jam. Ketchup. Basically any condiment or salad dressing. virtually any beverage or fruit juice . ice cream in your freezer. eventually; if not repeatedly; you will see something called “high fructose corn syrup” . look in your medicine cabinet. do a lil light googling. I assure you ; you ingest, breathe, absorb through your skin way more harmful things EVERY SINGLE DAY than any amount of inhaled Marijuana could even come close to doing to you.
and let’s not throw Marijuana in the same “dope” labeled box as is reserved for hard drugs like heroine and cocaine. because the Tylenol you have in your cabinet; the hydrocodone you got prescribed for any type of post surgery or dental work is far far closer to and many times is included under that “dope” umbrella. so unless you’re including yourself in that category; don’t refer to anyone else as a “doper” .
also no one is addicted to weed. people aren’t robbing their grandparents and sucking dick on the street for money to buy weed. but if they were thats their prerogative; and for the law to handle not civilians. if ppl steal for weed money; they were stealing and will continue to for any and every other thing they want as well. weed isn’t gonna flip that switch for them.
I’m 59 years old i’ve smoked weed since I was 16 years old or younger the only time I didn’t smoke pot was when I couldn’t afford it. I’m very excited about the future of Texas weed. Over the years I’ve learned secrets how about growing weed. So give me some good seeds and I’ll throw you some good weeds. I’ll tell you what man cigarette tobacco is packed with chemicals. Marijuana is fresh clean and natural
Try the CBD gummy brand “Kush”. I’m used to Colorado weed, but if you don’t qualify for a Texas license, like I do, I would try that brand in particular, I found it very close. It’s delta eight
Gay rights no marihuana rights WTF Texas
LMAO right!? I live in California where weed is actually legal here and thinking about moving to Texas seems like a bad idea right now even though I moved in with a 60 year old roommate who made me false promises and gave me false hope I can’t figure out which is going to be worse.. Not being to legally smoke weed anymore like I can now..? Or being stuck in a “House prison” where I can’t even leave or do anything for myself here.. Hard life choices!
SOME weed is fresh clean and natural, but most big time growers use plant growth hormones and pesticides to produce bigger buds and garner more profits, and that’s the sad truth. Although if you are growing it yourself doing it entirely natural (without any chemicals) then I give you props, and I respect that. I advise you look up the difference between PGR weed and fully natural weed. Every stoner needs to know about this. I don’t think that smoking PGR weed in the short term would be that harmful, but long-term consistent use can expose your body to harmful chemicals. So keep that in mind. Happy growing
Can you please teach me your ways.
Rheumatoid arthritis patients for pain relief can benefit greatly from using CBD. with .5% thc for pain relief but our hard nose Republican Dan Patrick and Abbott did not include this on the list. Vote them out!
Make it legal like every other state retards
hell yeah
You can DRIVE to any other state and buy it.
You can FLY to any state and give them covid FROM Texas.
Damn.. this national government is run by ASS-holes!
I found this article very informative and interesting. I’m hoping cannabis will soon be legalized in Texas recreationally.
Instead of costing BILLIONS to try to stop something that can’t be stopped. Right now people are driving to other states to get it. WAKE UP TEXAS. YOU ARE MISSING OUT!
Texas use will meet Oregon sales last year of 100 million pounds of sales which if taxed at the properly rate in the USA of 25 percent it will the state of texas 160 billion dollars per year
But but but then we’ll have empty prisons we paid millions to build…
Texas needs someone on the state laws board whom is up to date on the pitfalls in other states I can help then outwit h the help of my grandson boone mohel so is an attorney with a UBE grade 193 cum a ode from south texas law in Houston texas
As a productive tax paying citizen I fear that I will lose everything due to being caught with cannabis regardless of the outcome criminalizing someone for a plant that god him self created to heal the sick and the weak Is in human and should be treated as a civil offense with 0 consequences I get that y’all need the money every way that y’all can get it I just ask that y’all can fully legalize me and millions of other people are hurting every day and need this medicine just to stay productive and be able to enjoy life I love each and everyone of y’all but this has to stop!!! LEGALIZE for world peace.
Legalize it im 51 with back pain i don’t want to take the pills who are you to keep me from relief of my pain my mother died on your pills stop telling the people what we can and can’t do LEGALIZE IT
NOT Greg Abbott for the people
Texas will never see weed legal until Dems see a majority in the texas congress, additionally we must get rid of our TRUMPTARDYCK governor Greg Abbott.
It was not abbot, Dan Patrick took it out of bill they was vote on, check the web site and it will tell you who took it out the bill, we need to voted out people that don’t have the people best interest in heart, why should we continue to have to pay a fee if you get caught with it ,went the state of Texas can benefit from the taxes that come from the sales, and as far as the smell, do you think cigarettes smell, and most like people probably would buy the type you eat, for peoples like you to keep you out there business , it people like you is why we can’t get the medical we need for COVID, you keep drink that alcohol and let your liver keep get worsened, don’t put your fears on other, you know some else that stick it went you bbq out side those coals stinks.
Come on Texas, be bold…Total legalization of Marijuana is a MUST!
Tax payers , won’t have to pay up keep
Of jailed afenders for real crime
Afenders with more serious offences
It’s a win win for the people and the crooks that are also known as political representatives. It would create jobs from Growers to dispensaries to suppliers , excetera excetera, plus the amount of money that can generate from wonderful plant that heals.
Make it legal for recreation. Plenty of people already smoke it and it is a magical drug. Pot heads don’t act like crack heads. Pot heads are calm and also very healthy despite their food choices. I’ve checked blood pressure. They always have very nice skin. Im pretty sure that it helps you to focus on the good things in life and promotes over all well being. It is not harmful. However I do not recommend for kids under the age of 18 unless they have serious behavior issues like ADHD. I think low dose thc would actually be really good for them but very low (technically high). I mean I’m not a doctor but it’s something that should be tested considering some children already do and in some towns there are no one who doesn’t smoke weed. One thing is it needs government regulated to get rid of the stigma that it’s bad for one and for two we need to make sure that drug dealers cannot sell crappy product and harm society. Also marijuana is less of a drug and more of a really strong tea that helps with various bodily functions. Also edibles and vaping or fresh plants are the best options. Thc drops for your drink. It won’t impair a long time user like it will someone just starting out and therfor people won’t be intoxicated after a couple of days of regular dosing. For random use at random times I recommend those people stay home after use.
Dan Patrick is out of touch with over 60%
of the people of Texas ! Who is he working for? The cartels have millions of dollars to buy political favors to protect
this source of revenue. This is a billion dollar industry controlled by a few good ol boys that are raking in the cash here in Texas , and it’s time to change. Mexico legalized marijuana years ago ,political
Rats still prevent the sales , for the good of the people
Dan Patrick needs to be gone. We need to get someone in there who is for Legalization of marijuana. We need a real plan and it needs to get rid of that ridiculous low thc level of just 1 %. Why do we have such idiots running our state. Dan find a job be ugly are on a short rope ass hole . My life was turned upside down for the last 6 years because I have lots or stuff happening and I don’t need to explain it all here. We need to fix this and not keep fucking around. Some of us need help and we need it now .
Sooner we legalize Texas become wealthy and stronger and more powerful than ever. Don’t mess with Texas.
Why is it that Texas has to be the last to do anything with this country.. get out of the middle ages.. step up to the platform and legalize canabis.. it’s pathetic. That people are leaving Texas. To be closer to those are legal
We need to legalize it here in Texas some of us with medical issues would be better off than Putting all those pills down us that’s going to mess up our liver legislation needs to legalize it now
I totally agree
I live in Oklahoma and have been waiting for marijuana to be legalized in Texas so I can move there. I’m sure it will be legalized soon probably within a year maybe 2 at the most.
. I lost my brother due to Pills… They need to stop trying to control the percentage the .5% & 1% isn’t right either. The only reason Alcohol, & Nicotine is limited bc too much at one time can kill you. That’s not the case with Cannabis. If you smoked everyday for pain ect… Your tolerance goes up. So I wish the Government would leave it alone! It’s Natural. Honestly It’s safer than anything else… Sad that Tx’s hasn’t legalized it, yet Oklahoma legalized it years ago… Time to start selling it like cigarettes, & make the state, as well as the country more money… Lord knows we need it, not just for money, but for all sorts of conditions that need to be treated… Weed could be the answer to world peace… lmao!
I have gualcoma and when I smoke I can see the tv better. So there probably more people out there like that. So they need to legalize it
Absolutely I am currently a Maryland resident and have my medical card for a slew of autoimmune and mental health issues and I am moving to Texas in a week and I don’t know what to do. I literally can’t eat without pot so I guess it’s back to taking my chances with random drug dealers from Instagram 🙄
I totally agree with you. I can’t wait until they do legalize it because I have what they call ostronecrosis, which means death to bones due to lack of blood flow.
Texas needs to legalize marijuana it helps people with Medical issues in so many ways.They also need to recognize medical cards from different states especially if they are Traveling threw with their meds (canabis) .It’s past time to Help people who have legit reason for this to be legalize.
so many states are making big money, and why don’t they make it legal? people like Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick are holding up things. People are drinking and killing people, but Alcohol is legal. They know cannabis is more helpful than harmful, but people will stop taking all those drugs they fill you up with. yeah i believe they painting the pockets of the Politician’s pockets. Selfish breed.it helps with everything, including pain.Texas will be a better place to live, i hate it here!
Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana
All three have passed medical and are working towards general sales
Revenue will be given to these states just like millions go to the same three states in gamblings.
Stop exporting our revenue.
Sadly this shows that other states have the upper hand when it comes to this ,because of not only the money that it generates for the government ,as well as creation of jobs driving up the market for everything else . People will leave a state or drive over to another state to obtain what will be the salvation of lives
It’s about time they Legalized Cannabis
I lived in Oregon for 36 yrs, I had kept a medical marijuana card current for 15 yrs,until it became recreational, and so no need to purchase a card. Now living in Texas,it has been hell,with Texas’s backwards approach on marijuana,considering leaving the state cause, Texas sucks when it comes to letting people use marijuana,”hey Texas grow a brain,and legalize it recreationally
We have to get rid of gov. Abbott! He so damn ignorant and thick-headed. He has been our greatest block to legalization in texas!
please go back to Oregon
I am so tired of people being able to get DRUNK and drive or cause trouble while drunk but people can’t smoke weed!!! While on weed you never want to fight and people don’t kill people on weed. This is so wrong on so many levels! I think they should make weed legal and get rid of alcohol !!! This world would be a much happier and peaceful place to be and that’s not counting all the ways weed helps people be healthier and in less pain. I think people are just afraid of what they don’t understand but everyone knows how bad drinking is and still that’s ok for some stupid reason.
I so agree. Outlaw the alcohol and legalize marijuana. It has so many benefits and so much less harm than alcohol. People are killed daily because of drinking and driving. But an individual can just run into a store and grab a little bud for pain or to relax. Makes zero sense.
I just got here from Tucson, Arizona, & I read your comment & just wanted to tell you how Spot On you are! I’ve made frequent trips to our dispensary in Tucson without one negative incident, and any negative or violent incidents in Arizona always involve alcohol. Happy 420!
I’ve heard of people dying from alcohol because of their liver but I’ve never heard of anyone dying from smoking weed hell I function just fine and I smoke it’s the only thing that keeps me from being violent towards people when they Piss me off and I do just fine Texas needs to legalize it they say they need money shit they will make money then shit especially when they put dispensary all across Houston
How can I be a vendor
i wish it would go for those who have severe depression.
I feel that. I’ve been diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety disorder. Pills have never helped but weed has. Very disappointed to see Texas still hasn’t woken up. Hopefully our state representatives change their minds soon.
legalize that shi from urs truly – two potheads
Same I was diagnosed with MDD and I still smoke weed but on the DL and I’ve never felt better
This entire country needs a reboot of all the primitive thinking about weed, tobacco, and alcohol. Tobacco and cause millions of deaths every year, yet politicians refuse to talk about the dangers of alcohol and the unhealthiness of tobacco. I’m sick and tired of certain individuals being able to dictate anyone’s vice or personal habits. Alcohol causes liver problems, and tobacco causes lung issues, but it’s okay for individuals to kill themselves with these. Marijuana is natural, and it was put here for a purpose. These old men and/or politicians with their ancient way of thinking should not be allowed to hold-up progress. Their old behinds need to retire.
I moved here from a state where I had a medical card for marijuana due to my severe chronic pain. I didn’t use it to get high but it helped tremendously with my pain management. For the 3 years I’ve lived in Texas it’s been hell for me. Texas is so far behind the times! The money the state can make for road repair and school renovations alone is worth legalizing it. But instead, Texas keeps it illegal so the dealers are makers are fortune instead. And alcohol is harmful because people go to nars to drink and then they drive. All marijuana does is mellow people out, calm people down and make people happy. Wow, how about that! People being happy! Let’s go Texas! Help your farmers at the same time! Get on board!
i like weed
Funny, how Republicans like Abbott and Patrick, will scream “my body my choice” when it comes to their objections to vaccines, but they are more than happy to play big brother / the state knows best when it comes to marijuana. Hypocrats
Maybe they can be made to understand the massive amount of tax revenue Texas is losing..
…but that would require some intelligence.
I just got my prescription through Texas compassionate use program I have a compressed cervical spine. And my prescription is 300 mg the whole container it’s 10 mg of gummy and I’m supposed to cut it in four pieces and take two pieces one in the morning and one in that yeah this isn’t going to work for me it’s ridiculous because all that the THC that’s in what I get as a prescription in Texas is 1% and that’s nothing what Texas is giving us is not helping our pain or anything else because there’s not enough of a percentage of the THC. TEXAS IS RIDICULOUS AND THEY NEED TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA FOR THE GOOD OF OUR COUNTRY THEY DON’T RECOGNIZE THE PROFIT THAT THEY COULD MAKE IF THEY LEGALIZED IT WE WOULDN’T HAVE A DEFICIT ANYMORE AND 4 OR 5 YEARS I PROMISE BECAUSE YOU WOULD HAVE PEOPLE FLOODING THE DISPENSARIES..
So many of the folks that are against legalizing marijuana in Texas used it themselves in the60s., 70s and 80s and many probably do still. But they don’t believe that our young people can handle the same thing that they enjoyed and used. Please quit being hypocrites. If you didn’t use it you knew someone who did that are successful upstanding citizens today. Let’s bring Texas into the new century and quit holding onto unjustified and unreasonable laws. All you good old boys make a toast to that!
I’m sure this will mean absolutely nothing, but you F”$#ING idiots that supposedly care about the Texas people are a damn joke! I’ve been waiting my entire life to see that God given medicine legalized, and we were supposed to be the fifth state to do it, but hell no here we are 20+ states later and still dragging your Goddamn feet! GET OFF YOUR SUPREME HIGH HORSE, and do something for us for a change. The shit kills cancer for Christ sakes maybe that why you don’t want to do it! That would be the reason I HATE this fucking state!
How can we get statewide decimalization of Marijuana?
Just Do It already!!!
I don’t take prescription drugs pills etc. I don’t drink wine or beer too unwind after a long day of work I get home roll a joint kick my boots off and enjoy what God created to use.
Republican opposition to weed is a smoking gun that they are NOT Christian Conservatives.
God demands that all people gather in a tabernacle full of QNHBS. That’s Hebrew using our Latin based script. With vowels it would be QaNuHBoS.
It’s Cannabis. Period. No other translation possible.
just follow the money, phama companies lining Dan Patrick’s (and others) pockets. We can’t allow for the creation of multi-millions dollars in tax dollars going to the state, then Dan Patrick would lose out on his millions. It is a shame that the greed of a few affects the the good of thousands
I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone of how the war on drugs is rooted in racism so as much as we absolutely need to get marijuana federally legal we also need to make sure that we do it in a way that will free people previously incarcerated for marijuana charges and make having a cannabis business more accessible for people of color and those who were previously incarcerated for nonviolent marijuana charges
Cannabis has so many positives and very very few negatives if any. Taking pills for everything is not the answer. Drinking is so much worse and causes a safety risk to the public unlike cannabis. Texas is disappointing and needs to wake up or get left behind.
Texas is so behind on times, weed has been a very beneficial medicine for thousands of years and our idiot governor Abbott fails to see or understand! You could literally save peoples life’s but they would rather shove big pharmaceuticals down our throat! I have lived in Texas for 36 years and am seriously thinking about moving to a weed friendly state!
It’s long overdue they want to make as much as they can serving these harmful pills. That’s why they don’t want to legalize marijuana. We are all on to you legalize it. It will help alot of people.
I’m Vietnam Vet and the gummies work but we the people want to smoke it also and believe it should be legalized in the Great State of Texas for recreational use I’m big supporter of Governor Abbott and Dan Patrick but they need to get off their duff and pass a law for the recreational use I’m soon to be 67 years old and it does help me and I do not drink so the Marijana Helps with my PTSD
The feds need to decriminalize week and then Texas should legalize. Get with the will of the people.
Cannabis is less harmful than Tylenol and should be another choice for Texas. I personally avoid alcohol as it makes me feel like crap the next day. If any substance affects your life in a negative way, you simply learn to control its consumption. How many times does one need to get fired from a job before they realize it’s a bad idea to go to work inebriated? The same applies to cannabis. We don’t need a nanny state! I think there are much better matters our law enforcement should focus on than what people do in the privacy of their homes. If they’re driving impaired because of cannabis, that’s a different situation and the penalties should be like alcohol. But other than that, if people enjoy the effects of THC in their homes and are otherwise not affecting anyone else, they should be able to enjoy their vise in peace.
Yes but I’m on the texas compationate act for prescription, and I costs 100$ for 30 gummies,plus delivery, and I just found out on this site that the gummies iv Ben getting for an arm and leg,are analyzing giving me delta9, I’m appalled
I have epilepsy and have had it for over 45 yrs now and got diagnosed with ptsd and depression… along with other health problems…. I think it should be legalized in Texas.
Texas is way behind the times.. How hard is it to look at the numbers.. Numbers don’t lie! 60% believe the plant is safe n harmless.. Other states are laughing all the way to the bank..I think Texas is scared of change . The officials hrre are use to making $$$$ off penalties and punishment!! But the economic boom of legalizing cannabis will make that chump change look like crums in comparison.. It’s time to get hip Dan Patrick.. You should let the state prosper and give the people what they want..
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Texas needs to get with the program and Relize Caninbis is very helpful for people with medical needs.Tjwy also need to recognize other patients from out of state who have a valid medical card cause they went and got treatment . Relize people travel with there meds (canabis) so they Don’t get in trouble! Texas needs to Relize and Make marijuana legal for people in need!Stop being asshat over it and get the Ball rolling.It HELPS In so many ways.
Texas will never leagalize Marajuna. Number one reason is Tax on Booz is their number one tax and they have control over that. A bottle of Jack Fire here is 35 dollars in Colorado where I live 60% of my time is 19 dollars. I moved to Colorado 5 years ago because I need it for my Health. I love Texas But Texas doesn’t love me bottom line. When you drink you get stupid and fight with everyone. When I smoke all I fight with is the bag of cookies I’m trying to open. Dan Patrick is the biggest Ass in Texas and Abbot is his Bitch . Texas wake up there are people that really need it and enjoy it. I would rather get high then drink. O yea I’m a die hard Republican but something thing are so stupid that they stand behind. Baby is all about money and control.
Just like Gambling.. the same people stopping whats good for Texas.. because of BIG $$$ in their pockets!
If legalized too many cops, judges, lawyers, prison guards will be out of work. If Republicans wanna stay in control they have to regalize it before federal government does. I think it will be all legal in 2022
You have to vote. You vote like minded people in office. Dan Patrick is not working for us. So what do you do?????? You don’t vote for Dan Patrick and you make sure his replacement is like minded as you IS. Will vote to make recreational weed legal. It’s as simple as that. If you wanted weed legalized you first should have voted against Dan Patrick and anyone else who thinks like Dan Patrick. End of discussion. He should have been not voted for 8 years ago and it would have already been legal here..
Why is mental health drs at Austin out patient clinic discriminating veterans with ptsd from subscribing the legal using cannabis under medical reasons per order signed into law by governor Greg Abbott
Big pharma is buying out the drs is why-legalization is not enforced in Texas through va. so they can push pills to veterans. for them as in opioids they know that are harmful to their patients but can’t back something to cure a lot of medical issues in over half Americans today in this country that have served this country putting their lives on the line so asshole law makers can dictate what is best for you or I ,
I have given up hope that weed will ever be legalized in Texas as long as we are under Republican rule. Just look at the abortion laws in Texas, we have a bunch of republican men politicians telling us how to run our lives. The only way weed laws will change is if we have a democratic governor. Texas sucks coming from a person who has lived here for over 40 years.
Dan Patrick is more a problem then cannabus will ever be he is into Dan not fellow texans and he truly thinks he is a texas dictator when he is actually only a dick!
As a tourist I ONLY go to states where it’s now legal. No trips spending my tourist $ in Texas, Utah or Idaho.
I’m a Tx Veteran, spent my childhood in one trauma after another and then threw myself into combat search and rescue. Cannabis allows me forget, sleep and be around others. I have developed a severe allergy to people. Being identified as a cannabis user allows the VA to ignore any plea that I have. I hope that one day the world is kinder to cannabis users…
If marijuana was legal then we damn sure would not see thousands of bails crossing our border every month , we could be taxing the shit and make a mint. When it comes to politics NOTHING MAKES SENSE PERIOD, FIRST THING TO DO IS VOTE OUT Dan Patric he will never vote for this in any form We Texan still have a Vote but we had hurry up time is running out, I just can’t figure out the Politics of Texas we are Suppose to be the strong one’s here in the states they won’t let grown ass folks gamble or smoke marijuana even at home only it is ridicules Alcohol is so much worse than both I was just hoping Politics IT’S ALL JUST STUPID GOD GROWS THIS AND MAN SAYS NO IT’S ILLAEGAL TALKING ABOUT BULLSHIT LET’S JUST VOTE THEM ALL OUT Texas is in such a mess right we have 151 country’s crossing our borders daily as for the fence too little way to late AND I AM 100 % CONSERVATIVE THAT IS THE SHAME OF IT ALL……………………………………………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry folks but this country has became unjust if you can’t see the freedom and rights that made us americans have been picked and taken away we have nun texas will not cut loose .they make more revenue from hard drugs and human trafficking they can afford to hold out.
FREE THIS SAFE PLANT WITH 0 Death’s EVER safer than a peanut
Don’t they understand the profitability of the sale of all Marijuana products?
Are they not paying attention to other states’ open use?
Read the facts before refusing to legalize Marijuana.
Do Texas a favor. Get into the eventuality before it happens.
I wonder if Dumbass Dan Patrick knows how many people live in Texas and travel to Oklahoma, Louisianna & New Mexico to buy weed? I Iive 5 min from the Oklahoma state line and every single person I know that smokes has a friend with a card in Oklahoma. Dan Patrick is a moron to let all that tax money go to the surrounding states instead of his own State of Texas. Why doesnt he worry about stuff like why you have to stand in line for hours to renew your drivers licence and then wait weeks for it to come in the mail when other states literally make your licence on the spot? Maby while he’s at it he could look into why there is no answer, EVER, at any one of the drivers licence offices in the entire state of Texas. You literally have to drive to the damn DPS place and wait in line to ask a question. THAT would be doing something for Texans! We have alot of problems in Texas and weed is not one of em. Idiots
Perfectly written Patrick.
Agreed, well put Patrick!
i like your comment it was placed in brief.
I don’t like the fact that adults in other states have the right to enjoy the legalization of cannabis but in Texas as an adult I cannot. Equal justice and fairness for all is the way I see it. Dan Patrick needs to be ousted because he is the major stumbling block on marijuana legalization in Texas. He should not be deciding for us adults what we cannot do.
What can I say alcohol kills people every day, But seems to be perfectly legal .Texas is so worried about marijuana but marijuana doesn’t kill. It doesn’t make people abusive , it doesn’t cause pile of car accidents. What I don’t understand is how these elected officials can’t see that. I am 49 years old and still don’t know of anyone ever dieing due to Marijuana. Feds need to make a change on the federal level.
More than 60 % want recreational marijuana legal! I am one of them! Make it legal!
Yes it would help me with my below in knee amputation let vote it in law and quit taking there harsh med that give
us to kill us
Legalize it already. it’s time that Texas stops playing around. I’m 56 years old and I have Severe Anxiety, Severe Depression, Neuropathy, PTSD, Torn Nerves in my Neck, Severe Migraines etc… I have been on Narcos for 13 years now and I have not smoked any weed since I was 18 years old. I feel like with the different strains of weed that is out there, I can find maybe 1 or 2 strains to help me with them all and I can get off the Narcos. I feel like I have to fight with my pain doctor to explain to them that I do not get high at all when they drug test me and call me 3 months later to tell me that my drug test came back positive. I might as well smoke and take all the issues away. So please make it LEGAL. Alcohol kills people, Meth you can die from it so can Heroin, but my son has ADHD and manic Bipolar Disorder and he took himself off Ritalin that he was taking every 2 hour and started smoking weed and started functioning in this crazy society. LEGALIZE WEED!!!!!!
Look, I’m a veteran with lower back pain. I could never get anywhere with the VA, my civilian doctor always wanted to give me pills, I just can’t do the pills. I’ve smoked pot since I was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps and it’s the only thing that can take my mind off of my back pain. I am a believer in it and how it positively contributes to my life. One problem, it’s a career ender. I’ve had multiple jobs that I’ve excelled at but random drug tests always seem to send me back to square one. Maybe one day it’ll be fully legalized. Fingers crossed.
I’m absolutely blown away at the stupidity of our elected imbeciles. Let’s keep this fucking PLANT illegal, but now you can buy alcohol in a damn DRIVE THROUGH!!!!! Jesus tap dancing christ!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 legalize it already