The secret to becoming a profitable Cannabis Cultivator

July 29, 2020 | 10:00 am | Conference Room B | Business / Legal

At Agro Lighting, we talk to growers on a daily basis about the challenges they face. Whether it’s environmental issues, facility limitations, or cultivation complications, there is always a common underlying thread that causes these seemingly unrelated problems.<br><br>In this presentation, you will learn about the most common causes that create challenges for commercial cultivation operations. More importantly, what can be done to prevent these very expensive mistakes from arising in the first place. You will also learn how to examine your operation to identify areas of improvement and become a more profitable Cannabis Cultivator.


Matthew Kosinski

Matthew brings a wealth of knowledge to the Agro Lighting team, with his experience as both a building analyst, and a carbon inventory analyst. Matthew is an expert at identifying and correcting building environmental issues. He is also proficient at assessing appliance and equipment safety; creating efficient, sustainable, and safely controlled environments.<br><br>Matthew currently serves as Agro Lighting’s Senior Technical Consultant. He provides insights and recommendations for structuring efficient cultivation operations that minimize operating costs and environmental impacts for Agro Lighting’s clients.