How to Select the Best Tech Stack for Your Cannabis Retail Business

February 24, 2023 | 12:00 pm | Room 1 | Operations Management

In this session, we cover the tech stack you need to launch your store, whether you run a small store or a multi-location operation. We discuss everything from the absolute basics to get your business off the ground to more comprehensive options if scaling is your ultimate goal. We also provide an overview of each tech solution including POS, eCommerce/online menus, payments, CRM, and in-store technology such as menus/self-serve kiosks, along with the key features to watch out for when choosing them and how much you should budget for each.

Chris Reid, Sales Manager, Cova Software

Chris is Head of Sales for Cova Software, an award-winning cannabis POS & inventory management platform that simplifies compliance and streamlines complex dispensary operations. Chris and Cova are aligned in a mission of empowering cannabis retailers to achieve their vision of success. Born and raised in Colorado, his passion for the industry is fueled not only by the incredible potential for growth he sees, but the profound impact of cannabis he has experienced as a medical patient, a caregiver, and an advocate. An entrepreneur at heart, Chris is inspired to help others succeed and push the industry forward—sharing his valuable expertise in retail POS and eCommerce.