Kaleidescope Farms

kaleidoscope farm

Worm castings have a huge positive effect on plant growth. When up to 20% of the soil consists of worm castings, plants germinate better, grow faster, and produce higher yields.

Worm castings are biologically and chemically different from compost or soil. Worm castings have much higher percentages of humus than either soil or compost which helps the castings hold more water and stay aerated, while also providing binding sites for micronutrients that would otherwise wash out of the soil during heavy rains. The castings are also chock full of plant growth promoters like cytokinins and auxins, along with increased levels of micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Worm castings also host ten to twenty times as much microorganism activity as plain soil. No wonder a study showed that worm castings produced bigger plants and higher  yields compared to plants treated with either cow manure or chemical fertilizers.